My old, anonymous political/economic/history blog has moved here. I rabble-rouse enough on Facebook that I'm shedding my Lorelei Lee pseudonym and just posting as myself. So the first few posts will be reposts (where they still apply, some were so time-specific I'm dropping them from repost). The new posts will start with Obamacare and the minimum wage. Those are reworks of a discussion I had with a friend on Facebook earlier today, and he ended up suggesting I start (really, get back to) blogging. Without further ado, the intro post from my old blog:
I’m fed up. I think anyone who pays attention to what’s going on in this country is. We have an economy that is not recovering. We have a government that’s trying to get all the money out of us that it can, while trying to strong-arm us into contacting any representative we have that’s not bowing down to the administration and the status quo to tell them to just go along with the agenda set forth by our so-called ‘leader’ so our government can finish sucking us dry. We have no privacy from this paranoid, invasive, overbearing government. We have violence in the streets, violence directed towards our people around the world, and it’s covered up or blamed on such red herrings as guns or a movie trailer on Youtube that no one had heard of until long after the fact. We have government control over every area of our lives, from where we can live, how we should build our buildings, to what we should eat, what our children should be taught in schools, what car we should drive, and what we should buy. We have government in bed with business, business in bed with government, and mega-banks propping the whole house of cards up.
The time for that all to stop is now. This has been a long time coming. It’s been creeping up on us for over 100 years, slowly but surely, starting with Teddy Roosevelt meddling in business, picking winners and losers, and now we have Obamacare (ACA for those who hate the bill’s nickname) telling us what to buy, and forcing individuals to either pay out the nose for insurance, pay a penalty… excuse me, tax, sorry Chief Justice Roberts…, or get on to the government dole. We have the Patriot Act authorizing our own government to spy on us if we disagree with the current administration (thanks to defining ‘terrorist’ as whatever our leaders and DHS say a terrorist is). We have Common Core dumbing down our children further than they already have been for the past 40 years. And now we a President who thinks he’s a dictator, a Senate that won’t pass a single thing that doesn’t have our Glorious Leader’s blessing, and a House that actually grew a pair and is trying to do their job (pass spending bills and (gasp) listen to their constituents) and is denigrated for it by the rest of our government and the mainstream media.
I’ve actively watched this country go downhill for the past 20 years. It’s now to the point we’re basically a 3rd world country. We just haven’t realized it yet. Wake up, America. If you’re fed up too, wake up, get up, and do something about it. Make our leaders listen to us. We pay their salaries, we hired them for the position they’re in, and like any private sector employee, they’re accountable to their bosses. Us. Call your senators and representatives, write, email, get on Twitter and Facebook, and make your expectations and your voice heard. Find a demonstration you can make it to, or organize your own, and make them listen. And if they don’t listen, vote these complacent, self-serving wastes of space out of office, and vote in someone who will listen. They. Work. For. Us.
“All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.” –Unknown
“When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.” — Attributed to Thomas Jefferson
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